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Yes, the National Football League believe it or not has shown to not show concern or interest in the effects of traumatic brain injuries among football players. In a 2013 PBS documentary called “League Denial: The NFL’s concussion crisis”, produced by Michael Kirk, Jim Gilmore, and Mike Wiser; the doctors found that repetitive trauma to the head, due to football, caused former Steeler’s football player, Mike Webster’s, dementia (Kirk et al, 2013). In this same documentary, it shows the NFL’s negligence towards concussions and did not believe medical doctors who said that Mr. Webster’s dementia was due to football head injuries. In fact, the NFL went even a step further and contracted their own doctor to review Webster’s case. Ironically, the medical doctor they hired, also agreed with the previous medical doctor’s statement. This left the NFL no other choice but to give Webster monthly payments (Kirk et al, 2013).However, now after the results of a recent research study on several of the brain's of former NFL players, the NFL has decided to invest a good amount of money in CTE research studies (Ward et al,2017).



Similarly, the organization "The National Collegiate Athletic Association's", past negligence with concussions and neurological problems, in a court filing provided by the Washington Post newspaper, the organization denied the legal duty to protect athletes and put the duty on the individual institutions that the athletes attend (Fenno,2013). However, it is never too late to find better solutions to end this concussion crisis and better the lives of these young individuals.


In an article posted on Washington Times, written by neurosurgeons themselves, they argue that the benefits of playing a contact sport outweigh the risks. They even say that there is no brain injury epidemic occurring among football players (Maroon, Bailes, 2015). However, this is proven false according to the CDC website that is updated yearly.  The CDC states that 2.5 million TBI cases occur each year and that it is continuously increasing, especially in football.

Football Player

After a recent medical research study on the brain's of football players, Dallas Cowboy owner, Jerry Jones (on the right picture), rejected this belief that there is a link between CTE and football (Ward et al, 2017). However, in this study it is shown that there is in fact a very high correlation with traumatic brain injuries and neurological problems, due to football. In fact, after this study was released a Raven's football player John Urschel  has retired at just the age of twenty-six, after finding out the astonishing results of the study conducted by Boston University (Slattery, 2017).


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